When wanting to live a positive life, you try to lose the negative chatter around you and better yourself by not giving negativity life through what you say or how you react.
You have to eliminate the things that weigh you down and prevent you from growing from the inside out. Those subtle bumps in the road can put a kink in that positive vibration you’re looking for.
Some of these obstacles are caused by our own bad habits. For example, if someone cuts us off in traffic and we have to slam on the brake? Our reaction is to yell at the other driver, instead of the thinking man that was close, I’m glad everyone is ok. And more than often your reaction can lead to repercussions. You yell at him and he yells at you. Fire feeding fire.
That’s just one example of how some of us react in a common situation. Freeing negative energy to live a positive life takes work. Recognizing these anchors gets us one step closer to spiritual freedom.
The outcome is always worth the journey.
One thing so many of us hang onto is grudges. We hang onto these pockets of anger from the past. A lot of times it’s something you haven’t thought about in years until something is brought up about it. It drums up anger, but it only has life because you’re hanging on to that negative energy. YOU are the resistance.
There is one word that truly heals and gives you complete freedom spiritually. The word is FORGIVENESS. That word alone can trigger negative reactions and have you saying no, nope, and never. A grudge is dark energy’s secret weapon.
If you want light in your life, you need to learn to let things go. It’s simple, you can’t grow with something holding you down.
Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to be best friends. Walk away from the situation and be grateful for the life lesson. Every obstacle and test in your life is there for a reason. To teach you, to help you grow. Every experience and heartache is a stepping stone to getting you to where you’re supposed to be in life. Resist the negative vibration and embrace the journey.
Imagine a grudge is like having a lightning bug in your hand. It’s going to stay there. What’s the point of hanging onto it when you can simply let it go? YOU are keeping the negativity close to you by not letting go. The only thing preventing you from being happy is you. Now imagine opening your hand. Watch the lightning bug fly away and drift off from plain sight.
By letting go, you created separation between you and that spiritual anchor. When you forgive someone, it’s not for them, it’s for YOU! Letting go helps you mentally, emotionally, and physically.
By fixing that kink, you don’t only have a better positive flow now, you have a swift current that’s feeding your heart. You feel better, you’re thinking differently and feeling the benefits of forgiveness. It’s cleansing and crucial to your spiritual growth.