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Podcast Guest Consent and Release

I hereby agree and grant the Producer all rights related to recording, broadcasting, or distributing reproductions of my voice, photograph, likeness, and performance as a guest on the It's All Connected podcast with Russ Johnson, I acknowledge and agree to the following: The host of the It's All Connected podcast with Russ Johnson is the exclusive owner of all rights to the Program and its recordings, along with any materials prepared for the Program ("Materials"). These are considered "Works-Made-For-Hire" as defined by the United States Copyright Act (17 USC §101, et. seq.), and the Producer possesses the unrestricted right to use, promote, and distribute the Program in any media or format, globally and indefinitely. I will not receive compensation for my appearance and participation in the Program. I waive the right to inspect or approve the content of the Program. This Podcast Guest Consent and Release does not obligate the Producer to utilize or exploit any granted or acquired rights, nor to create, sell, license, distribute, or use the Program or Materials in any way.

My name and likeness may be used for advertising and promoting the Program but not for endorsing other products or services. I release and discharge the Producer and all associated parties, including principals, shareholders, officers, employees, agents, successors, heirs, assigns, and affiliates, from any liability arising from the production, reproduction, processing, exhibition, distribution, publication, transmission, or any other use of the Program and Materials. I am at least eighteen years old, fully competent to execute this agreement, and not bound by any other agreements that would prevent the transfer of these rights to the Producer or their successors and assigns. I understand the Producer will rely on this release and the rights granted herein, and will incur significant production costs. Therefore, I agree not to initiate legal action challenging the rights conveyed in this document.

Electronic Signature

By typing my full name and submitting this form, I confirm that I have read, understood, and willingly executed this release.